Life at its Best
Read: Genesis 22:1-13 The heart of Abraham must have been beating fast until he was afraid his son Isaac would hear it as they stood on Mount Moriah. Perspiration would…
Read: Genesis 22:1-13 The heart of Abraham must have been beating fast until he was afraid his son Isaac would hear it as they stood on Mount Moriah. Perspiration would…
Read: Exodus 4:10-17 In 1986, the world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham was speaking to a large gathering of Christian leaders and evangelists in Amsterdam. As he was narrating his experiences, he…
Read: Mark 1:1-8 John the Baptist prepared a way for people to accept Jesus. He was the forerunner for Jesus who boldly spoke about repentance. He spoke “repent for the…
Read: Joshua 2:1-13 Every now and then we see big businessmen fall from high positions. We see professionals and even ministers of God fall from their respective offices. They believed…
Read: Psalm 18:30-36 There is a story about a young preacher named Augustus Toplady, who was walking through the English countryside when a sudden storm arose. He spotted a wide…
Read: Ezekiel 36:22-31 I read about the time during the early 1970s in Ghana, where a poster titled “The Heart of Man” appeared on walls and public notice boards. In…
Read: Genesis 12 When we are at a junction in our life, where do we go if we are not sure of a direction? Is God our compass? God was…
Read: Ecclesiastes 11:4, 6 When the season for planting is upon us, the time to plant seeds is when we make time to plant seeds. And when it comes to…
Read: Hebrews 11:23-31 During the time of the Cold War between the world’s superpowers, Albert Einstein said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but…
Read: Matthew 27:35-54 There are some weeds that grow so aggressively in some places that are extremely difficult to kill. Pride is also a similar thing. It is one of…