Avoiding A Bitter Attitude

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Read: Deuteronomy 32:44-52

Many people give great importance on living longer and better. Advances in medical science are making it possible for more people in this generation to have a longer life despite many illnesses. Yet in spite of this, none of us can avoid growing old. One day aging will overtake all of us, and our bodies will gradually shut down.

What is preventable is an attitude of bitterness and regret as we grow older. When Moses was 120 years old, he stood with the Israelites before they crossed the Jordan River waiting to enter the Promised Land. He could not go with them because he had disobeyed the Lord when in anger he struck the rock in the wilderness (Num. 20:12, 24).

How easily Moses could have slipped into a self-condemning and bitter frame of mind! Had he not endured the burden of a stubborn and stiff-necked people for 40 years? Had he not interceded for them many times? Yet at the end of his life he praised the Lord and urged a new generation of Israelites to obey Him (Deut. 32:1-4, 45-47).

As we grow older, we can dwell on the failures and adversities of our past, or we can remember God’s faithfulness, accept His loving discipline, and keep looking to the future in faith. It is the only way to avoid a bitter attitude. After all, God is our Master and we are His children and servants.

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