Living Thoughtfully

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Read: Psalm 25:8-15

How do you live each day? Are you living intentionally or are you just running by the clock? It is so easy to just start the day, and go about the day’s activities and then fall into bed each night without thinking how God is involved in our daily life. To be ignorant of His ways in our daily life is to live foolishly.

It is always good to be aware that God is present in our daily activities and that He is working in us to achieve His purposes. He may be strengthening us or He may be opening a way for us. He may guide us in our decisions or help us deal with a difficult situation. Ps. 25:9 says, “The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way.

If we are open to His warnings, we will not repeat the same mistakes. But if we are disobedient, we risk continuing in unhealthy thought patterns and foolish responses. Be aware of His leading and submit to it. The heavenly Father is constantly guiding and guarding your way. He expects you to see life from His perspective and that you should rely on His wisdom and power to face the challenges of each day.

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